Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Healthy in Holland: an Update

Remember how, back in November, I announced that I was making an effort to take better care of my body?  I did a whole post on my strategy, here.  It involved taking pictures of myself and posting them online.  (Seriously, did I really say I was going to do that?)  I managed that once, here.  I felt incredibly silly.

Haven't seen any posts like that since, have you?

Yeah, I'm not doing so well with that goal.  It probably didn't help that I started this the week before Thanksgiving.  Which was also the week before my in-laws came to visit for a couple of weeks.  And that I didn't take any pictures of myself while my in-laws were visiting, because, really, who wants to say to their house guests, "We can go see the sights of the city as soon as I run upstairs and take some pictures of myself"?  Not me.  And then I had my annual December slump, when I felt bad that I had only three kiddos to buy Christmas presents for--not four--and I couldn't get out of my pajamas or eat any vegetables.  And then we had Christmas, and who wants to think about losing weight over Christmas?  Or New Year's Eve?  And by that time I was so guilt-stricken by the fact that I'd totally bombed my big get-healthy plans that I needed to eat a lot of chocolate to compensate.'s the scoop.  I joined a team for the Game On Challenge, last week, and it is going well.  (I've posted more info about Game On here, if you want to know more.)  I am incredibly motivated by guilt, and since I don't want to let me team down, I totally follow through with the rules.  Currently, I am uber-motivated to eat healthy meals, drink lots of water, exercise daily, and get to bed early.  That's progress!

However, the jury is still out on whether or not I want to follow through with this whole post-pictures of myself online thing I came up with in November.  Reality check:  my clothing choices aren't interesting enough to photograph on a daily basis.  I'm thinking that if I'm doing it for diet/fitness accountability, then a once-per-month progress report should be all that is necessary.  Or I should call it What I Wore to Work Out.

Thanks for "listening."  I know you've had trouble sleeping at nights, wondering about all this.  (I kid, I kid.)  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Ruth, I wish you the very best of luck! And whatever progress reports you want to submit will be fine. But I plan on heaping on loads of guilt- just to keep you on track! ;)
