
Monday, May 17, 2010

Sewing Room PREVIEW and a GIVEAWAY!

Remember how I keep saying I'm just about ready to show you pictures of my sewing room redo?

I'm not ready to show you.  It's not quite finished yet.  Sigh. Things have been really crazy around here with all this end-of-school business.  Particularly because the elementary school my children attend is closing it's doors forever, so we are participating in all kinds of sentimental nonsense activities that give us closure.

I can show you one of the projects I worked on for the sewing room.  It is such a simple transformation, I don't even need to provide a tutorial.  Just pictures.

 I used Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch Ultra Cover in Satin Aqua.
And after:
 I love how cheery these red geraniums make my sewing room window, even on a dreary, rain-soaked day.  The aqua pot and red geraniums really pop, together!

I also really, really like this color of paint.  It looks fantastic, right from the spray can.

In penance for not actually producing pictures of the finished room, I shall punish myself by revealing the ultimate before photo.  You may want to shield your eyes and take a deep breath.
And we're walking......moving right along, folks......

One of the things getting in the way of finishing my sewing room is all the actual housekeeping I really need to do around here.  I'm waaaaaaay behind.  Saturday night, I ran to the Bullseye Boutique (Target) to find some basic household necessities: dishwasher soap, bleach, toilet paper, and Trident.   For some reason, I got stuck in the cleaning supplies aisle, sniffing things.  

That didn't come out right!  Let me explain, before you call the police.  Someone--I think it was Sarah--had been talking about how wonderful the Method cleaning supplies were.  She said they smelled amazing.  I had also heard that the Method brand tries to take a more natural, less chemical approach.  So, I had to smell the Method cleaning supplies.  I remembered, during this process of sampling cleaning supply scents, that I was out of toilet bowl cleaner and liquid scrub stuff.

In retrospect, I think I need to get out more.  

I decided to take home some Method cleaning supplies.  Possibly use them and review them on my blog.

Oh, now I know that I need to get out more.  Use them and review them for my blog?  Did I really just type that?

I came home with these:
I introduce to you and my cleaning repertoire......Method Le Scrub (natural mild abrasive cleaner, made with finely milled marble and scented with eucalyptus mint) and Method Lil' Bowl Blu (natural toilet bowl cleaner made with lactic acid and eucalyptus mint).

Doesn't that liquid cleanser have a funky shape?  Well, after I brought it home, I read the fine print underneath that u-shape, "sponge goes here."  Huh.  Guess what, folks, it really works!  The cleanser and the sponge holder, that is.  The cleanser whipped my dirty sinks into shape in no time, even getting that nasty rust spot I've been scrubbing at for months.  Interestingly enough, the scrub rinsed away in no time flat, unlike the Soft Scrub with bleach that I normally use.  The toilet cleaner seemed to do it's job, and the scent was.....heavenly.  It was heavenly.  Not overpowering, but just delightful in comparison to the bleachy/chemical fumes I normally smell when I clean the bathrooms.
Oh, someone help me, please!  I'm gushing about liquid cleanser and I'm taking pictures of my cleaning supplies.  Who am I?

Since I'm so excited about my sponge-toting new cleanser and since I'm still feeling repentant about promising pics of the sewing room that have yet to appear.....I'm going to host a giveaway!
Method's products are sold at a variety of locations, including Costco, Lowe's, and Target.  Since the Bullseye Boutique is my all-time favorite shopping destination, I'm giving away a $5 Target gift card for one of my readers to use for some cleaning supplies.  
And because I feel extra, extra repentent, I'm going to throw in a surprise when I mail out that gift card.  A surprise that involves my sewing room.  
By the way.....did I mention that one of the things I need to do this week (in my unfinished sewing room) is finish sewing some aprons?

Here are the updated details of my very first giveaway:
1.  For one entry: Leave a comment.  Tell me if you like to wear an apron while you are cleaning. 
2.  For another entry:  Follow my blog!  Leave a comment telling me if you just joined up, or if you already are a follower.
3.  For yet another entry: mention this giveaway (with a link) on your blog.  Leave a comment here telling me that you did so.
4.  I'll accept entries for a week.  This giveaway begins today (Monday, May 17th) and will end on Monday, May 24th at 6 P.M. EST.  Update:  I've extended the giveaway until Tuesday, May 25th at 9 P.M. EST.
5.  A winner will be chosen using, and I'll announce the winner on this blog.
6.  The giveaway is open to those living in the continental United States.  Sorry, international followers.  When I have a bigger budget, I'll include you, too!
Have a great Monday!
I'm linking up this post to


  1. I do not wear an apron while cleaning but I probably should wear one to keep my clothing clean since I am guilty of wiping my hands on my pants while cleaning.

  2. Hi Ruth! No, I don't wear an apron when cleaning although that definitely wouldn't be a bad idea to start now!! :) Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway. I love Target! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

  3. Follower of your bloggy! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

  4. I don't wear an apron while cleaning...that is a good idea though.

    kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

  5. I am a new follower.

    kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

  6. Oooo... I really can't wait to see your sewingroom re-do! I'm having so much fun with mine. I will follow so I can see. I know what you mean about the rest of the house needing cleaning. I have to pop down to my sewing room about once a day. Today I decided to get more done than usual. I just want it to be done before the beautiful weather is here and we will want to swim all day! Hurry, hurry, so we can see it!

  7. I do not wear an apron while cleaning. I probably should though because I am messy, but I wouldn't want to ruin a nice pretty apron.

  8. I am now a follower. Love your blog! BTW, I can't wait to see your sewing room! I love your fabric. Whimsy is one of my FAVES!

  9. What a fun giveaway! I love Target and I LOVE Method cleaners. In fact, I was just using the Wood For Good this evening. All of their products are simply amazing.

    No, I don't wear an apron when I clean.

  10. I'm now a follower :)

    Have you read Kelle Hampton's blog, Enjoying the Small Things? She talks a lot about her trip to Holland. So touching.

  11. I have wanted to try Method cleaners as well. I'm glad to hear they work! And, Yes, I love wearing my apron for all kinds of houshold jobs. I feel more professional and motherly all at the same time!

  12. I love the idea of wearing an apron while cleaning and looking cute in a clean house that I'm responsible. In reality I never wear an apron and only look cute when I'm leaving my ridulously messy house :) . . . But I have hope for the future!!!

  13. Have been a grateful and inspired follower for a long time, just didn't know enough to make it official :)

  14. Bonnie sent me the link to your blog so I can keep up to date with you once again. It was fun to see you recently - and yes, I am an apron wearer and think aprons are a delightful shower present for a bride-to-be. Good luck with your renovations!

  15. I don't like aprons... but I think they are cute :)

  16. Well Ruth at the moment I am not sure where my apron is because we moved into our new house. I love it! Finally a pretty house a nice yard. Tons of tress so I will have to be a professional shade gardener. Wish you were here to see it! Erica

  17. Do I wear an apron when cleaning? No, I sure don't! And I have the bleach splotches on some of my clothes (including the cute new stretchy comfy purple skirt I got at Target) to prove it!

  18. I am now a follower! Comment two coming right up.

  19. I love aprons too much to wear them while cleaning! Is it weird I don't like getting aprons dirty? :)

    racheldowd07 at gmail dot com

  20. I love aprons, wear them daily and was thrilled to find your blog in time to sign up for this great giveaway. My favorite aprons are ones that have been hand made so I would be honored to win yours.

