
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Something Special Saturday - Garage Sale Edition

The kids and I hosted a garage sale this weekend.  Friday was very slow, but the weather was delightful.  Partly cloudy, not too hot.  Today we've done pretty good business, but it is miserably hot and humid.

We set up our garage sale at the last minute, after we saw the large signs posted at our subdivision entrance announcing a neighborhood yard sale.  Not sure why they don't give us any warning about these things....but it was a good excuse to quickly clear some things out of our house.  

If I'd had a little more notice, I might have been able to use some of the handy tips I found for having really successful garage sales.  Maybe you can use them sometime, instead.

The Yard Sale Queen offers a full page of tips for throwing a great yard sale.  She's got some great ideas for advertising and signs.  

The Nester offers additional tips for both yard sale buyers and sellers over at her Nesting Place.  She recommends a good, cleansing yard sale for ridding the house of unwanted clutter.  

Melissa at 320 Sycamore shares her yard sale wisdom (especially for buyers) in her Yard Sale 101 section.

Here's a peek at our garage sale.....  
The kids get to keep the money from toys and things they decided to give up for the garage sale.  We price marked most items with colored stickers--one color for each child--then took the stickers and kept them on a sheet of paper so that we'll know how to divvy up the money, later.  

Endeavor has been running a successful fundraising effort on the side of our garage sale.  Proceeds from lemonade, popsicles,  baked goods, and hair accessories are going to support a good cause: serving dinner at Riley Hospital's Ronald McDonald House.
We used paper CD covers to package the cookies.  They were perfect!
My children are feeling quite pleased by the fact that, not only did they make some money, but now there are a few less toys to pick up around the house.  Way to go, kids!

Do you have any garage sale tips to share?

1 comment:

  1. Glad your garage sale went well! It looks colorful and well put-together from your pictures. Thanks for the tips and links you shared. I'd add one more tip of my own: be sure to check that none of your items, especially children's items, have been recalled. Simply Check ( can help you out with that. Hope that helps!
