
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Something Special Saturday - 1/22/11

Here is this week's list of things that I've enjoyed looking at on my computer screen.   You might enjoy seeing them on yours, too!

Just discovered a new site that I'm anxious to explore:  Jessica of Good(CHEAP)Eats has some fantastic ideas and recipes that will stretch your grocery budget.  I'm soooo very ready to try her version of beans and rice, get five easy pantry meals into my recipe file,  and then go learn more about how to build a frugal pantry with beans and lentils.  (And that was a sentence that my sixteen year old self never, ever, dreamed of writing.)  Just from what I've seen so far, Jessica's food photography makes trimming your grocery budget look very, very good.

Over at Young House Love, John and Sherry are using a napkin to help them gauge what works in their house.  You don't have to love the napkin they chose, but you do have to admire them for finding something that helps them make cohesive choices that work for them in their house.  Plus...this totally reminds me of stuff that the Bionic Man and I have done.

My sis-in-law Kristine just won Diamond Photographer of the Year, and we are SO PROUD of her!  If you live in or near Salt Lake City, Utah, you should check out her Hugs & Kisses Event.  If you want to see some fun portraits, take a look at these gorgeous costume shots.  

And another site new to me that has some fantastic sewing inspiration: Shwin & Shwin.  Take a look at this quick tutorial for spicing up a pair of inexpensive jeans for a little girl.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ruth, I love how you've named your blog! I love "the quote that really inspires you"! And I wish you a safe journey further on!
    Kisses from Romania.
