
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October without Thrills

Be forewarned:  Blogger's image uploading is disabled for the next two hours, and I don't have time to wait around.  No pictures today!

So, an explanation.  I haven't posted this all.  Didn't post much last week, either.  I've been a little swamped.  I've had all kinds of doctor and dentist appointments to get everyone to in the last week, not to mention two parent teacher conferences I almost forgot, a couple school projects, food that had to be made for school and church activities, a surprise vacation to plan, and various other items of household business.

Also, did I mention I ran 13.1 miles on Saturday?  A half-marathon?  I did.  It was fun for the first ten miles, thinking about how when I was done I could say I'd just run half of a marathon, but by mile 11 I WAS SO OVER IT!  If there had been anyone nearby who looked like they could have helped me, I would have asked them to drive me home.  But I finished.  Some of the full marathoners finished before I did (which means I'm S-L-O-W), but instead of beating myself up about it, I'm enjoying the fact that I kept all my toenails, and the marathoners likely did not.

FYI....if you ever run in a half marathon, I recommend a pedicure afterwards, if you have all your toenails.  You and your feet deserve it!

Now, there are all kinds of things I'd love to the highly successful shopping expedition I had at Goodwill, the yummy caramel sauce I served with fresh apples the other night, and the funny thing Justone said to me recently.  BUT.....I'm swamped.  Really, truly, I am swamped and my house and children and spouse are in desperate need of some TLC.  So, I'm going to figure out how to re-post a few things I wrote a while ago for you to enjoy again or for the first time or to just ignore and hopefully you won't mind too much and I'll be back with new stuff in a week or so. 

In the meantime....guess what?  I finally got my 2010 medical bills up to date.  Such a relief.  I'm grateful for good insurance, but the paper trail we create is enormous, and it can be sooooo difficult to keep track of what the insurance has paid, what we are waiting for them to pay, and if what I'm being asked to pay is the correct percentage.  I feel like a superstar for getting caught up.  And for running 13.1 miles.  And for not having any cavities at my dentist appointment. 

What have you accomplished recently that made you feel like a superstar?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like my week, but without the run! My littlest also had two cavities that we have to go back and have fixed next week.
