
Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm Trying, Really, I'm Trying!

Someday, I will catch up enough with my real life that I will have time to update my virtual life.

By that I mean my blog.

Remind me next year that I need more than six days between coming home from a four-week vacation and the first day of school.

I still haven't finished shopping for school supplies.  I still haven't finished the pile of laundry from our trip.  I still haven't put away all the suitcases and downloaded the photos from the camera. 

I did spend a morning at the middle school helping Endeavor find her way around.  I did get caught up with my Cub Scout duties.  I did teach my Relief Society class that I very nearly forgot about.  I did find some darling shoes and clothes for Superkid on sale at Target.  (I'm going to cry when she doesn't fit in 5T anymore.)  I did make the handouts for the staff at Superkid's new school about her medical issues and emergency care.  I did make sure Justone had a haircut.  And I did sign up for a half marathon in October.

I've got to do something while everyone is in school.  All day.  Every day.

Did I mention that I'm struggling with the whole firstborn-going-to-middle-school scenario?  Seriously, I think I only gave birth to her about three months ago.
Recent photographic evidence proves me to be wrong, however.  Check out Endeavor's photoshoot with her Aunt Kris, who happens to be a really amazing photographer. 

Wish me luck with finding the last of our school supplies, today.  You'll be hearing more from me very starts tomorrow.  

1 comment:

  1. I've missed your posts!! Can't wait until you get all caught up!
