
Monday, April 26, 2010

Something Special Saturday (on a Monday)

Ahem.  Yes, I am aware that it is not Saturday.  But don't you ever wish, when Monday rolls around, that is was still Saturday?  Mmmhmm, me too.  That's what we're going with, today.  (Although there are some Mondays, when everyone finally leaves the house, that I feel grateful.  Don't tell.)

First of all, I'd like to thank the wildly creative Jen of Tatertots and Jello for featuring my little recycled birthday outfit on her Earth Day post.  I am very flattered!
Jen's was one of the first blogs I encountered, and she never fails to showcase something beautiful she's made or discovered.  I have to admit, it is fun to be noticed by such a talented person!  Don't visit Jen's blog if you don't want to be inspired.  She comes up with some amazing projects to beautify her home and repurpose things she has on hand.  I think she has single-handedly revitalized the burlap industry.  Here is a sampling of what you'll find at Tatertots and Jello:

One of the things I enjoy about blogging is that I get to virtually meet some really neat people, thanks to the kind comments that they leave for me.  These comments often lead me to blogs full of great ideas.  This week, I followed Heather's comments to a blog that she and her sisters have, called La Bonne Cuisine.  Oh my goodness, it looks like they have some tasty, tasty recipes, there!  I am going to try making this one...
Santa Rosa Valley Salad
...and this one...
Bacon-Cheese Topped Chicken
....and especially this one....
very, very soon!

Hmmm.  Apparently the theme of this S.S.S. (Something Special Saturday) seems to be me talking about people who have flattered me or paid me compliments?  How embarrassing.  But, since I have a theme is one more.  

My other Earth Day project was redoing one of my favorite old shirts.  The after pictures and all the tutorial pictures are on the Bionic Man's camera, which unfortunately went out of town this weekend.  (Aren't we nice to give our electronics time off for travel?) So, you'll have to wait for those.  All I have right now is the before shot.  Anywho, I was wearing this jacket thingy I'd made out of my favorite maternity shirt (don't laugh, I'm not kidding) on Friday when I took Superkid up to our children's hospital for appointments.  We went to visit our nurse friends at the Heart Center while we were there.  One of our nurses complimented me on my jacket thingy, and told me it reminded me of a line of clothing she loved.  She told me I had to go check out the website.  If a nurse gives me advice, I take it, so I went online to meet Matilda Jane as soon as we came home.  Oh, my goodness!  Take a look at what I found:

They even make things in adult sizes:

And, they have a blog.

Hope you enjoy these sites as much as I have, and that you can get some great ideas, too! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you liked La Bonne Cuisine! I'll have to admit I don't post many recipes on it, but my sister does and they are great! I have my own private blog where I post about my family, motherhood, decorating, etc. It's nothing out of the ordinary, but such a great way to document my life right now as a mother. Someday I know I'll miss my life the way it is now and want to remember it. If you ever want an invite just send me an email to hstall at I would love to go public with my blog because it would be such a great way to connect with people. One of these days I'll get brave and be a little less cautious. I just like knowing who has access to it.

    I just love your blog and am so glad I ran into it! We have the same interests and I admire your optimism you maintain even with some difficult trials you've faced.

    Have a great week!
