
Friday, December 18, 2009

Apologies and Well Wishes

Yes, it has been some time since my last post.  Hence, my apologies.  I do have a really good excuse.  I've been wayyyyy under the weather.  Don't ask for any more details than that; you should appreciate that I'm not offering more.  But I'm recovering!  Since--as of today--I can now focus on the computer screen without crossing my eyes or falling asleep, I'm commemorating this momentous occasion with a blog post.  Fair warning, it will not contain any deep thoughts, because I'm not yet at the deep thinking point in my recovery.

I am however, in the reading and reflection point of my recovery.  (AKA: lying down on the couch with a pile of books.)  Since I am spending plenty of time reflecting upon how I can better care for my body in the future, I've been reading this book:

Which is hilarious.  But don't take my word for it, because I'm taking painkillers.  Everything seems a little bit funny to me, right now.  Even global warming.  (Don't tell Al Gore.)  No, it actually is pretty funny because the writer has a great sense of humor.  (At least, I think she does.  Again, the painkillers.)

Okay, let's just forget the above paragraph ever happened, and go with, "This book interests me because it points out something I noticed when I, myself, lived in Europe."  And that is, you can eat yummier food and not gain weight when you live on the other side of the Atlantic.  It is a concept I've been thinking about quite a bit, as I contemplate making some changes in my life to improve my health and weight.  I'll tell you more when I'm not on painkillers, because, as I said, I'm not yet to the deep-thinking point of recovery.  Pretty sure I'll be off the painkillers before I get to that stage.

Until I'm back to my [deep-thinking] self, enjoy some of the fun things I found in the blogosphere today as I enjoyed being able to look at a computer screen without falling asleep.  This is what kept me awake:

Tea Towel Apron Tutorial from Skip to My Lou.  The finished product looks like this.

I discovered this tutorial when I was visiting one of the first blogs I ever met, Li'l Red Cottage.  Go back in the archives to last December, and you'll find some of the best gift ideas known to man.  Or woman, for that matter, since we seem to have to come up with most of the gifts for Christmas distribution.  Like all the gifts for children's take a look at some of these, and check out their 12 Days of Christmas Gift Ideas.

This is the idea that my friend, Nicole, and I used for teacher gifts this year.  She found the soap bottles, I found the cute Christmas handtowels to go with the soap.  Took us about an hour to make 10.  (Truthfully, it took Nicole about an hour to make 10.  Remember, I was on painkillers at the time.)

My next idea comes from Cassandra Design, who I discovered while I was visiting the Li'l Red Cottage.  You've gotta love the way her kitchen looks during Christmas (love the alphabet!) and the cool benches she makes out of old headboards.  I dare you not to want one of these benches, or the chair made from old ties.  Really.  Go see.

Oh, there are so many fun things out there to be found!  But we simply don't have time for them all, especially if we are learning to cook like the French women who don't get fat.  On the other hand, if you need some ideas for budget and family-friendly meal ideas, go check out Six Sisters' Sustenance.  I love their recipe for Classic Fettucini Alfredo.  Super easy, everyone in the family loves it.  The other day, when Justone was helping to put away the groceries, but forgot to put away the cooked, frozen, jumbo shrimp I had bought to use on Christmas Eve......I added the thawed shrimp to the Alfredo Sauce before I tossed in the noodles, and it was a HUGE success.  
BTW, you just have to use the fresh parsley on this one.

And now for my Well Wishes.....Happy Birthday, Bionic Man!  This one is for you.

Actually, that was more for me. I'm mushy like that. This one really is
for my Bionic Man. Especially the parts in Italian.

P.S. No more funny musical videos after December. Just for the holidays and fun!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, come on! Really NO more funny videos? I must protest. The holidays can't be the only time for enjoying "Bless your Beautiful Hide." Delightful all year round.
