
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Something Special Saturday

When I was a little girl, we used to sing a song in Primary class that went, "Saturday is a special day/ It's the day we get ready for Sunday...."  the rest of the song went on to list the things that would help a family get ready to set aside Sunday as a day to rest and worship, such as cleaning the house, going to the store, shining your shoes, etc.  (You can go here to listen to the song.  It really is cute.)

The reason I bring this up is because we are in the middle of a really, really, particularly busy Saturday.  (Right now everyone has been given a lunch break, that's the only reason I'm on the computer.)  We are trying to clean the house so it will be ready for our big fall party and a visit from one of Bionic Man's darling sisters.  I divided the house into sections, and the kids and I are going through it systematically, spending an hour on each section.  Only the girls' room, which is huge, is taking something like three hours.  AAAAGGGHHH!!!!  So we are falling behind schedule, and I'm starting to get a little panicked and....ahem...impatient.....and.....yes, grouchy.  Hence the lunch break.  Then I started thinking about that little Primary song.  And I was reminded of the quote I have on this blog page, by Dieter F. Uchtdorf.  (Look to your right.)  The song and the quote have caused me to change my attitude.  I'm spending time today working so that tomorrow will be a good day.  And I'm creating order from chaos.  Isn't that great?

So, in honor of the creation of order from chaos and Saturday being a special day, I am going to name Saturdays on my blog "Something Special Saturday."  I'll take a minute to showcase something I've found during the week that will bring a little respite to the work of a typical Saturday.  Ta Da!  Here you go:

I love looking at pretty things.  I ran across this blog  that is chock full of pretty things last spring, when my little sis-in-law was asking for wedding ideas.  Everything on this blog is pretty.  I still like to go back and look at it now and then, just to enjoy the prettiness.  The flowers, the colors, the cakes, the way-out-there wedding themes that end up looking completely fabulous.....I just love it.  If I ever decide to write the Great American Novel, and some production company buys the rights and makes a film and it wins an Oscar, then I'm going to throw a big party.  You will all be invited.  And I'm going to hire Amorology to be my event planners.  Save the date!

Here are a few of Amorology's gorgeous events to look at, just in case you aren't already tempted to visit their blog.

I love, love, LOVE the aqua/poppy red color scheme.  Love it.  I don't think it was invented 12 years ago when I got married.  And I got married between Christmas and New Year, anyway, which in and of itself limits the color scheme.  Sigh.  By the way, when you look at the next picture.....they really did rent a ferris wheel for the backyard wedding reception.  How cool is that?
Endeavor has to have toadstools in her wedding.  Period.   And snails.
See?  Didn't I tell you it would be pretty?  Everyone needs to see a little pretty.  Everyday.  Especially Saturday.


  1. I love this post! (the quote especially) And I'm totally into red/aqua color. It does make me feel SO unoriginal with my long ago. I'd do something different for sure, now. (A different dress without huge puffy sleeves to start with!)

  2. Extraordinary people deserve extraordinary relationships. Experience the instance spark of An on-line community for extraordinary people.

  3. Um, what was THAT comment? Does every blogger get those? Or am I particularly extraordinary? Perhaps "Paul" did not realize that I am MARRIED to the Bionic Man.
